Spring is here, though it’s a little hard to tell with snowstorms and freezing temperatures regularly making their appearance. However, little green leaves dotting the landscape are a wonderful promise of the goodness to come, so we bide our time. I know that all too soon we’ll be raking and planting and mowing, so I guess I’ll enjoy the dregs of winter while I have them.
With the seasonal changes a-comin’, our lives are changing too. We’re busy getting our home ready to sell and planning to move to Arizona. With both of our families there, it will be wonderful to be closer to them.
Wow, all the ‘stuff’ a major move requires! Cleaning out, boxing up, trips to the thrift store to donate our surplus; trips to the hardware store for the myriad items we need for updating things in the house, and discussions about what and how much to do before we are ready to sell. Then there’s the inner process it requires—letting go of friendships and comforts and dear familiar things. We have the best of friends, the best homeschool group, the best church, the best doctor, dentist, chiropractor, shopping…a whole life-support system to disconnect and leave behind. That’s the hard part.
Some days there are so many things to think of and do that I hardly know what to set my hand to next. My lists fail me; often I just want to sit down with my tea and a good novel and escape. My darling auntie counseled me just this afternoon to go ahead and do that once in a while—so since I can’t easily give myself permission, I’m glad she did! I’ll try to work that in more.
We’re in the home stretch of SweetPea’s school year, trying to stay focused and on track with a million distractions. She’s taken on a project that satisfies her artistic leanings—doing our support group’s yearbook. Using a computer program designed especially for yearbooks is making it really fun, and we’re counting it toward a graphic design elective credit.
And Honey is making great progress on the kitchen (I wonder if he wonders when the ‘retired’ part of retirement kicks in?). I’m now enjoying my white cabinets and gray granite countertops (yes, gray, not black—an order mix-up that we liked better!)…next he’ll be doing white backsplash tiles and wrapping it all up with wood-look laminate flooring. Whoever buys our house will LOVE this kitchen!
So we press on. Change is hard, change is good. I know from experience that with God in the change, we walk a sure and blessed path.