I've talked with several homeschool-mom friends in recent days, and one thing particularly stands out to me...they are STRESSED OUT. To be honest, I feel the same way. The causes are many for us: maybe a too-busy summer with no time to fill up our empty wells, lots of outside commitments that drain off our extra time and leave us with no margin, illness, guests and vacations, etc. Then suddenly it's school time again and we find ourselves poorly prepared and overwhelmed.
Sound familiar? For some reason this year seems especially so. I think we need to remember that we have an enemy out to do us in any way he can. I'm having to start each day putting on my spiritual armor, casting my care on Jesus, declaring His Lordship over every part of my life, and looking to Him to order my hours and minutes.
If you're feeling this way, I want to pray for you. There's power in agreement!
Heavenly Father, we thank You that we can bring our empty, exhausted, and overwhelmed lives to You for refreshing and help. I pray for my sisters in Christ right now who need Your help and touch. Your Word declares that we are equipped and anointed to do Your will, that Jesus is our Peace, our Wisdom, our Victory, our very Life. We ask for understanding and revelation for each day...for wisdom in decision-making and prioritizing...for patience with our children...for joy in the journey.
We praise you for this wonderful privilege of homeschooling. Help us to keep our focus on the big picture--making disciples for the Lord. Help us to keep our minds renewed in Your Word, and to see the little blessings you send our way each day. Thank You for Your incredible promises and help us to take them by faith, expecting to see their manifestation right now, today.
You are SO GOOD and we love You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Have a blessed day!