
Some thoughts from a high school seminar

We ended a very busy week with a full day yesterday attending a homeschooling-high-school seminar put on by our state organization.  I'm a semester late on it, but c'est la vie.  Better late than never!

Thankfully, I'm not too far off track in what I've been doing for record-keeping, grades, etc.  However, we got a lot of new information about after-high-school options, testing, etc.  Right now I'm overload about all the stuff you have to do for a college degree, but at least we have a lot of choices now as to how to get that done.  I'll cross that bridge a bit later.

In no particular order, these were some of the points about high school I thought noteworthy:
  • All the same reasons you chose to homeschool for the elementary years still apply.  Don't give in to fear.
  • Don't let 'college' drive your life or your homeschool.
  • Don't be driven by the calendar--consider a 'gap' year after high school.
  • At Ivy league schools, 1% identify themselves as born-again Christians.  If you send your children to Rome, don't be surprised if they come back Romans.
  • Character is pre-eminent!
  • Whatever character flaws your child has will come out even more in high school.
  • Any tendency to laziness and other character flaws in your child really show up in math.  (Good heads-up.)
  • Education is discipleship and all of life is education.  Do as many field trips as you can.
  • Don't spoon-feed them.  Make them take responsibility for their own education, help make them to be a self-motivated problem solver.
  • In public schools, they cover only about 80% of the math textbooks--so don't feel you have to complete a book in a year.
  • There's a huge dearth in America of students headed for STEM--S=sciences, T=technology, E=engineering, and M=mathematics.
  • Enrollment of students in military service academies who were homeschooled is 5-10%.
  • Attach the Word of God to everything we teach.
  • To quote Vodie Baucham, "If you need to go to college, do it fast, cheap, and close to home."
  • We need to teach our children how work; we need to change our definition.  When you work, you bless someone and bring glory to God.
  • CLEP test scores are good for 20 years.
  • Kids will rise to high standards if you set them high.
  • Colleges look for students to have had American, British, and World Literature.  Always teach literature in the context of history.
  • Outlining, timed essays, and research papers are important to learn.  Homeschooled students are typically not good at taking notes--make 'em learn!
  • Engross your children in the book of Proverbs.
  • In a study, millionaires said their reasons for success were 1.) honesty, 2.) supportive spouse, 3.) self-control, 4.) hard-working, and 5.) gets along with people.  Having a college degree was #16 on the list.
Well, there was lots more.  I came away filled with thankfulness once again that we have had the privilege of homeschooling, and with a renewed sense of 'God is with us'!  I don't have to do this in my own wisdom.

Onward and upward!


  1. Those are some very good tips. I especially liked the "If you need to go to college, do it fast, cheap, and close to home." :-) Thank you. You are always so encouraging!

  2. Somehow I lost you, Wendy! I'm so glad you commented. Now I am following you again. Great post, as well as the previous ones. I love your earring story.

    Re Swamp coolers: Our house is not damp! I read your memories of damp sheets with surprise! Except for the dust, I the swamp coolers. (I am not the one doing the maintenance on them.) We use the better pads. Apparently they make all the difference. :)


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