
Catching up

Summer, yay!  Feels like summer, looks like summer, calendar says it should be summer...I think it is, finally.

A peek into my garden...the "before" picture
(hopefully I'll share a great "after" one in August!)
I'm enjoying the privilege of some time at home after our marathon spring and getting caught up on all sorts of things.   My dearly beloved helped me get my late garden in on Monday--a huge relief that I was able to still squeek in under the proverbial wire.   Lots of home projects to tend to now that the weather is warm and our schedule has relaxed (oh, I love that word!).   Can't wait to set up my sewing machine again, teach SweetPea how to can, work on some landscaping ideas, and read some non-homeschooling novels over iced tea in the shade of the maple tree.  :-)

Most importantly, I'm enjoying the space for reflection and sorting out the cacophony of thoughts whirling in my mind over the past couple of months.  I've been needing quality time with the Lord to gain His perspective on my friend's death and how it has impacted her family, our little church, and myself; analyzing how this first high school year went in our homeschooling and getting God's wisdom on the areas we need to modify or improve; praying over our short and long-term goals for the last three years of SweetPea's home education; revisiting my own personal goals for the summer--in short, I need my cup refilled.  He is so faithful, He will do it.

Sorting flannel graph pieces

Monday starts VBS wherein I get to test-drive my writing efforts with a live class of wiggly 1st and 2nd graders!  SweetPea will be my flannel graph assistant and I have a lovely lady helping me with crowd control.  The sanctuary and main classrooms have been decorated with black plastic "space" with planets hung and the sun, moon, and stars providing the background for "The Power and Majesty of God."  It's going to be a lot of fun--and hopefully, the kids will go home with a new sense of awe and wonder at this mighty God who has called us to be His own.

Thanking God for the meaning and beauty He's brought to my life!


  1. Oh, I did not know that you had to teach VBS as well as write it. You will be busy next week. Ours is in July. I'll be with the 4th graders. I pray that this summer is one of refreshment for you.

  2. Anonymous6/03/2011


    It sounds like you are quite ready for the summer. Getting some relaxing time is a good thing. It helps to recharge our energy and give us a little extra rest.

    I like the picture of your garden. It looks very relaxing, indeed! I wouldn't mind having a garden like that in our backyard, but in Suburbia Land with a microscopic backyard, I don't think it's going to happen.

    I wish you the best with you VBS with 1st and 2nd graders. I used to be a Substitute Teacher for elementary schools when I was unmarried, so I am familiar with that age group. They can be a lot of fun, but challenging as well. They should like the flannel board activities. :)


    -L. Rose

  3. Anonymous6/03/2011

    Sounds like a great start to your summer. It's always good to have time to reflect and get closer with the Lord. Glad your summer has started. :)



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