Our adult Sunday School class today included some talk about our love walk with God and each others. As an exercise, we read out loud together those few famous verses (4-7) from I Corinthians 13 in the Amplified version, personalized with "I" in place of "love". Wow, powerful:
I endure long and am patient and kind; I never am envious nor boil over with jealousy; I am not boastful or vainglorious, I do not display myself haughtily.
I am not conceited--arrogant and inflated with pride; I am not rude (unmannerly), and I do not act unbecomingly. I do not insist on my own rights or my own way, for I am not self-seeking; I am not touchy or fretful or resentful; I take no account of evil done to me--I pay no attention to a suffered wrong.
I do not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but I rejoice when right and truth prevail.
I bear up under anything and everything that comes, am ever ready to believe the best of every person, my hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and I endure everything without weakening.
O, Lord, how I fail You in this, how many times a day do I let my flesh take over. I'm so sorry. I want to love without reservation and definition, without "self" tainting any relationship. Thank You for loving me this way!
I've heard of that before, it is powerful. :)
Yes, very moving. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteOh I just did this with the Crazy Love book. And wow. I felt like a liar even reading them to myself!